---Plugin help & Commands---

how To create custom IMAGES


  • /tomap <url>

This command can only be used by a player.

The link must be complete, do not forget that the chat limit is 240 characters.

You can use an URL shortener like tinyURL or bitly.

If you want a picture in one map, type resize after the link.

If you want to resize to multiple maps, add the width and height after resize: e.g. /tomap url resize 2 4

You can change the scaling method by replacing the resize keyword in the /tomap command by:

      • resize-stretched to stretch the image to the surface (the image could be distorted); or

      • resize-covered to ensure the image covers the whole surface (the image will never be distorted, but some parts may be lost near the borders).

  • /maps - This command can only be used by a player.

Opens a GUI listing all the maps in a paginated view.

A book is displayed too to see some usage statistics (maps created, quotas).

A user can retrieve a map by left-clicking it, or manage it by right-clicking.

Maps can be renamed (for organization), deleted (but they won't render in-game anymore!), or partially retrieved (for posters maps containing more than one map).

how to create Big Doors


Bigdoors Gui

  • /BigDoors, /BDM- Allows you to access the BigDoors GUI.


  • /NewDoor [-BD || - PC || -DB] <DoorName> - Initiate door/drawbridge creation process. Use "-BD" to initiate the big door creation process, "-PC" for portcullis, and "-DB" for drawbridge. Defaults to big door.

  • /NewPortcullis <PortcullisName> - Initiate the portcullis creation process.

  • /NewDrawbridge <DrawbridgeName> - Initiate the drawbridge creation process.

  • /SetDoorRotation <doorUID> <direction> - Changes the direction a door will try to move.

  • /NameDoor <doorName> - Sets the name of the door when you're in a door creation process.

  • /BDCancel - Cancel object creation process.

  • /DelDoor <DoorName> - Allows you to delete a Big Door.

  • bigdoors.user.toggledoor

  • /OpenDoor <DoorName> [DoorName2] ... [DoorNameX] - Allows you to open a Big Door (of any type). Also allows opening more than 1 door at a time.

  • /CloseDoor <DoorName> [DoorName2] ... [DoorNameX] - Allows you to close a Big Door (of any type).

  • /ToggleDoor <DoorName> [DoorName2] ... [DoorNameX] - Allows you to open a Big Door (of any type) when it is closed or close it when it's open.

  • /ListDoors [Name] - List all doors owned by you, with a specific name if provided.

  • /DoorInfo <DoorName> - Allows you to get information about a given.

  • /ChangePowerBlockLoc <DoorName> - Allows you to change the location of the powerblock of a given door.

  • /BigDoors AddOwner <doorUID> <playerName> - Adds another user as an owner of the given door.

  • /BigDoors RemoveOwner <doorUID> <playerName> - Removes another user as an owner of the given door.

  • /SetAutoCloseTime <doorUID> <autoCloseTime> - Sets the amount of time after which a door will try to close itself after it was opened. Negative values mean the door will not try to automatically close (you can still use redstone, of course).